
Entry1  mankeroa (eroa)
Part of speech  2  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Mandeha, manatona eroa: Variana aho mijery ny tanan' ny mpanenona manketsy mankeroa [1.1]
Explanations in English  4  to go there (far away, in sight) [1.7]
Explanations in French  5  aller là-bas, (loin, visible) [1.8#53]
Examples  6  Mipetraha eto aloha ianareo, raha mbola mankeroa hivavaka Aho. [2.996]
7  Present :
8  Past :
9  Future :

Anagrams  10  mankeroa, manorake

Updated on 2023/01/20